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讲座通知:The Advocacy Coalition Framework: Insights, Challenges, and Ambitions



【主讲嘉宾】 Christopher Weible

【主 持 人】 杨开峰 公共管理学院院长

【题 目】The Advocacy Coalition Framework: Insights, Challenges, and Ambitions


The Advocacy Coalition Framework remains one of the most established and utilized theoretical approaches in the study of public policy.  This presentation summarizes what we have learned under this approach about the policy process, identifies some of the challenges that limit its continued development and use outside of western democracies, and specifies goals and steps for moving it forward and upward.  This presentation ends with an exploration into some of the general lessons about the social sciences from this research program that has endured for more than 30 years。

【语 言】 英语

【时 间】 2017年6月8日中午12:00—13:30

【地 点】求是320会议室


Chris Weible is a professor at the School of Public Affairs at the University of Colorado Denver.  He serves as the Co-Director at the Workshop on Policy Process Research and Director of the PhD Program at the School of Public Affairs.  Professor Weible’s research focuses on conflicts over public policy issues.  He is currently the editor of the Theories of the Policy Process, one of the leading books on policy theories。

Chris Weible是科罗拉多大学丹佛分校公共事务学院的教授,担任其学院博士生项目主任和公共政策研究中心主任。Weible教授的研究兴趣关注于公共政策问题中的冲突,是倡导联盟框架 (ACF) 的主要代表学者和政策冲突框架(PCF)的发起人,是目前公共政策学界国际公认的顶尖学者。目前他担任学界耳熟能详的著作《政策过程理论》的主编,并曾担任顶尖公共政策杂志Policy Studies Journal主编。