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      【主讲嘉宾】 陈灿博士 美国佛罗里达国际大学助理教授、杰出学者奖获得者

      【题      目】The Effects of Political Competition and Fiscal Institutions on Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Evidence from American States


      【内容简介】Due to the growing infrastructure needs and constrained public sector budgets, state and local governments in the United States (US) are increasingly turning to Public Private Partnerships (P3s) to deliver infrastructure by leveraging private sector resources and expertise. Although P3s have received growing attention over the past decade in the US, a key aspect of P3s has remained largely unexplored in current literature: What institutional, political, and fiscal factors contributing to the growing use of P3s among American states? To fill this void, we draw on theories of political economy and institutions and empirically test the effects of the political and institutional factors on the use of P3 models for highway infrastructure projects using cross-state data.  Our research findings expand the theoretical and empirical understanding of the determinants of public-private collaboration in infrastructure financing.

      【语    言】 英文

      【时    间】 2019年5月30日中午12:00至下午1:30

      【地    点】 求是320会议室

      【嘉宾介绍】陈灿博士是美国佛罗里达国际大学(Florida International University)公共政策和管理系的助理教授和美国国家交通财政研究中心的客座研究员。其主要学术会研究方向为交通基础设施财政和融资, 资本预算,和财政透明。 陈博士的研究多次获得专业学术机构的基金资助, 包括美国林肯土地政策研究院 (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy),国际政府公开组织(Open Government Partnership),韩国发展研究机构(Korean Development Institute),国际城市管理协会(ICMA),欧盟研究中心(EU),美国政府财政官员协会(GFOA) 以及美国政治科学会(APSA)。他曾两次获美国公共行政学会(ASPA)最佳会议论文奖和美国国际公共管理院系联合会(NASPAA )最佳博士生论文奖。目前已在Public Administration, American Review of Public Administration, Public Management Review, Public Performance Management Review, Transport Policy, Public Works Management and Policy,  Public Finance Review, Public Budgeting and Finance等权威SSCI英文学术期刊上发表论文17篇,并参与五本英文著作的章节编写。同时他担任20多本国际英文学术期刊的同行评审。陈博士是美国公共行政学会交通政策和管理分会的执行理事。他曾受邀为美国政府会计师协会(AGA) 和美国国家政府采购机构(NIGP)的政府官员们提供创新型基础设施融资的专业培训。2018年,佛罗里达国际大学授予陈灿博士杰出学者奖(Top Scholar Award)。