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讲座通知:1、中国地方政府债券市场:过去、现状与未来 2、市级财政政策采纳的驱动力因素:一个来自美国100个城市的实证研究



      【主讲嘉宾】 Robert L. Bland教授、施雨博士

      【题目 1   】 China’s Emerging Municipal Bond Market: Origins, Operations, and Opportunities 中国地方政府债券市场:过去、现状与未来

      【内容简介】Local governments in China hold a pivotal role in sustaining the nation’s enviable economic growth. In this lecture, Dr. Bob Bland will discuss the development of China’s municipal bond market, the key participants in the market’s operations, the role of the central government, and policy options for building a viable bond market. He will also discuss the events that have caused the exponential growth in local government debt and the risk that it poses to the nation’s future economic prosperity. This public lecture is based on an article written in collaboration with Dr. Qing Li (Renmin University of China), Dr. Yu Shi (University of North Texas), and Qianqian Lu (Renmin University of China).

      【嘉宾介绍】Robert L. Bland教授现任北德克萨斯大学(University of North Texas)公共管理系的地方政府讲席教授(Endowed Professor in Local Government)及公共管理中心系主任。主要教授地方税收政策、政府会计和预算的相关课程。Bland教授的主要研究领域包括市政债券、财产税、租税增额融资、地方政府投资组合与市政预算。曾获德克萨斯城市管理协会的特雷尔·布洛杰特院士奖与市县管理国际协会(ICMA)的斯蒂芬·B·斯威尼学术奖。2012年当选为美国国家公共管理学会的协会成员。2017年当选为ICMA的荣誉会员。他著有《A Budgeting Guide for Local Government(4th edition)》等多部著作。

      【题目2   】What Factors Drive Municipal Fiscal Policy Adoption? An Empirical Investigation of 100 Major American Cities 市级财政政策采纳的驱动力因素:一个来自美国100个城市的实证研究

      【内容简介】Local policy makers in the U.S. operate within a confined decision-making environment and their policy-making capacities are limited by intergovernmental constraints, local political culture, service demand, and economic and fiscal condition. This presentation will discuss the effects of these factors on certain types of local fiscal policy adoption in the U.S. Based on data from 100 major American cities, we find that a combination of state aid, state imposed local tax and expenditure limits, fiscal decentralization, and tax authority has varied effects on the adoption of fiscal policies such as property tax increases, other tax increases, fees and user charge increases, and personnel cuts.

      【嘉宾介绍】施雨博士于2016年获得美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校(University of Illinois at Chicago)的公共行政学博士学位。目前任北德克萨斯大学(University of North Texas)公共管理系的助理教授。她的研究主要集中于财政联邦制 (fiscal federalism) ,州政府和地方政府的公共财政管理和城市财政政策(state and local financial management and city fiscal policies)以及地方政府的财政预算和会计(local government accounting)。她是中国留美公共管理学会的第一届王闻青年学者论文奖的获奖者。目前已在Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Urban Affairs Review, Local Government Studies, International Journal of Public Administration 等权威英文学术期刊上发表论文。同时她也担任像Public Administration Review,Urban Affairs Review等多本国际英文学术期刊的同行评审。

      【时     间】 6月 27日(周四)12:00—14:30

      【地     点】 求是楼216会议室

      【主 持 人】 李青 中国人民大学公共管理学院副教授

      【语     言】 英语