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      【主讲嘉宾】 Aisha Azhar

      【题      目】 Public Service Motivation: A View from the Developing World 公共服务动机:来自发展中国家的视角

      【内容简介】From a broad ethnographic study of public service motivation among the public employees of Pakistan, the authors formulate a model of PSM in developing countries that contrasts with existing western models of PSM. They find that, because of the different cultural background, public employees could not associate with the principal motivational structure of a public servant generally depicted in the western world. While they demonstrated the concerns related with empathy and compassion, they could not relate them with public service. Moreover, the antecedents for these altruistic concerns were related primarily with religion Islam.

Self-selection into the public service is majorly the pursuit of power, position and sometimes the opportunities for corruption.  The presenter concludes that competing assumptions of PSM in developing worlds are not irrational, but they are embedded in the local rationalities that admittedly countervail the ethical foundations of public service. These local rationalities are invariably acceptable in the developing world particularly the post-colonial societies.

      【主 持 人】  杨开峰 中国人民大学公共管理学院院长、教授

      【语     言】  英语

      【时     间】  2019年7月4日(周四)上午10:30

      【地     点】  求是320会议室


      Dr. Aisha Azhar, a Fulbright Scholar, has completed her PhD and master`s degrees in Public Administration & Policy from Florida State University (FSU), Florida, USA. She has more than 10 years of teaching and research experience in reputed universities in Pakistan and USA. Dr Azhar was awarded for the fellowship of BIARI 2017 (USA) for the Humanitarian Response and Post-Conflict Reconstruction, a competitive award for one representative from each country. Since then she is working, as affiliated researcher, with Brown University`s Humanitarian Innovation Initiative’ at their Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs.

      Dr Azhar has undertaken the funded projects, as principle investigator, on women empowerment (PUAN-USAID) and PA education in Pakistan (Aga Khan) and more recently the Humanitarian Innovation Initiative (HI²) to explore the reief and recovery activities in post disaster areas of Pakistan. She has been working as consultant and member with Aga Khan Development Network`s Think Group for their Graduate School of Government. Dr. Azhar has published in reputed national and international journals. Her areas of expertise include public management, disaster management (relief and recovery), non-profit management, social network analysis, and public service motivation.