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Planning parameters and household carbon emission: Evidence from high- and low-carbon neighborhoods in Beijing



Qin B. & Sun S., 2013: “Planning parameters and household carbon emission: Evidence from high- and low-carbon neighborhoods in Beijing”, Habitat International , Vol37, pp. 52-60.

This paper contributes to the study of planning for low-carbon cities by providing empirical evidence on the relationship between planning parameters (i.e., density, land use mix, accessibility to public transportation and jobs-housing balance) and household carbon emission in Beijing, China. Five neighborhoods representing different levels of carbon emission are selected using a household survey dataset that includes 1227 sample households; these neighborhoods are analyzed using the survey dataset together with land use data provided by the Beijing Municipal Urban Planning Commission. Findings confirm that higher population density, mixed land-use patterns, better accessibility to public transportation, and job-housing balance are important planning parameters that reduce household carbon emission in Beijing. This research provides the first empirical evidence from a large Asian city that can assist planners and policy makers in estimating the impact that planning principles can have on reducing household carbon emission.




本文为实现低碳城市的空间规划提供了实证研究的支撑,研究了中国北京具体规划指标(密度、土地利用混合度、公交可达性以及职住平衡)和家庭碳排放之间的关系。基于1227份入户调查,研究选定了5个代表不同碳排放水平的社区,将规划用地数据和入户调查所得的碳排放数据结合,发现更高的人口密度、更混合的土地利用方式、更好的公交可达性和职-住平衡对于减少北京的家庭碳排放效果明显。本文基于一个亚洲大城市的实证调研,帮助规划师和政策制定者进一步理解规划原则与家庭碳排放之间的关系。(Habitat International,2013, SSCI)