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Barriers to Commercialization Development of Crop Straw Gasification Technology in China and Promoting Policy Design




Z. Zhang , B. Chen , A. Chen & W. Zhao (2013): Barriers to Commercialization Development of Crop Straw Gasification Technology in China and Promoting Policy Design, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 8:3, 279-289

The technology of crop straw gasification is a kind of promising biomass gasification technology. It not only solves air pollution but also improves the life quality of local households. However, there are some commercialization development barriers in China. They include the low price of the fuel gas, few gas consumers, high initial investment for the gasification station, non-market support from the government, imperfect crop straw gasification technology, and a deficiency of instructions for the standard checking system of crop straw gasification equipment and construction. In order to further develop crop straw gasification technology, it is necessary to rely on increasing economic benefit rather than lessen the dependence on the support of government by degrees. The prompting policies consist of enhancing support to gasification technology, enlarging the straw gas consumption scale through amending government subsidy, building a fair competing market environment, promoting investment in crop straw gasification technology, and promoting effective use of crop straw through restrictive policies and measures.




摘要:农作物秸秆气化是一项新兴生物质能源利用技术,不仅可以减少秸秆露天焚烧带来的空气污染问题,而且还可以提高农村家庭生活质量。但目前秸秆气化在中国进行商业化推广还存在不少障碍,主要包括:由于秸秆燃气价格偏低,燃气用户规模小,用途单一,秸秆气化站初始投资较高等原因使得秸秆气站的经济效益不明显;政府扶持过程中暴露出非市场行为的缺陷;秸秆气化技术的成熟性与实用性不强;农作物秸秆气化设备及施工缺乏标准化验收体系。基于以上制约因素,从提高农作物秸秆气化的经济性,扩大农作物秸秆燃气用户规模,建立公平的竞争性的市场环境,推动农作物秸秆气化的投资水平和促进农作物秸秆资源的有效利用等方面提出了详细的政策建议。(Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 2013SSCI