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求是学术讲座第71讲 : 行政负担:行政国家中的服从、学习和心理成本

    【主讲嘉宾】Donald Moynihan 教授

    【主 持 人】杨开峰教授 中国人民大学公共管理学院院长

    【题    目】 行政负担:行政国家中的服从、学习和心理成本

    Administrative Burdens: Compliance, Learning and Psychological Costs in the Administrative State


    Using examples from the United States, the presentation will examine how barriers citizens face in their interaction with government matter to whether they can access public services。

    【语    言】 英语

    【时    间】 2017年12月11日中午12:00-13:30

    【地    点】求是320会议室


    美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校La Folette公共事务学院院长



    Donald Moynihan 教授曾任Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART) 和Public Administration Review (PAR)联合主编,是公共管理领域的顶级学者。获得美国公共政策与管理协会中青年学者杰出贡献奖、美国公共管理协会杰出研究奖、美国行政科学院研究奖等。作品先后获得American Review of Public Administration最佳论文奖、PAR最佳论文奖、Public Administration 最佳论文奖等。在绩效管理领域,其专著获得美国管理协会、美国公共管理协会最佳著作奖,论文三次获得美国公共管理协会最佳绩效管理论文奖。 

    Donald Moynihan is Professor and Director of the La Follette School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is president of the Public Management Research Association and former co-editor of Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory and Public Administration Review. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration.

    His research examines the application of organization theory to public management issues such as performance, budgeting, homeland security, election administration, and employee behavior. His book, The Dynamics of Performance Management: Constructing Information and Reform, was named best book by the Academy of Management`s Public and Nonprofit Division and received the Herbert Simon award from the American Political Science Association.

    In 2014, Moynihan was awarded the Kershaw Award, which is provided every two years by Mathematica and the Association of Public Policy and Management to one scholar under the age of 40 for outstanding contributions to the study of public policy and management. Journal articles Moynihan has authored have won awards from the Public and Nonprofit Division of the Academy of Management (2002), the American Review of Public Administration (2003), Public Administration Review (2007), and Public Administration (2013).

     On three occasions, Moynihan has won the American Society for Public Administration Wholey Award for outstanding scholarship on performance in public and nonprofit organizations (2009, 2011, and 2013). He won the 2011 National Academy of Public Administration/Wilder School award for scholarship in social equity. Moynihan received the 2012 Distinguished Research Award from ASPA and the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration.
