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讲座通知:Technological Innovation and the Public: 3Ps - Purpose, Process, and Products


求是学术讲座第63讲:Technological Innovation and the Public: 3Ps - Purpose, Process, and Products

    【主讲嘉宾】 Kevin C. Desouza

    【主 持 人】 马亮

    【题    目】 Technological Innovation and the Public: 3Ps - Purpose, Process, and Products 

    【内容简介】Technological innovations are fundamentally transforming all aspects of our society. I am particularly concerned with how technological innovations impact 1) the design of our public institutions, 2) the apparatuses through which we shape, implement, and evaluate public policies, and 3) our governance frameworks for public goods. I believe that research needs to be conducted in a manner that advances the greater public good, especially in fields that are of an applied nature. Academia has a special responsibility to generate knowledge that advances society. Studying complex phenomena requires us to undertake research that 1) draws on multiple disciplines, 2) engages a diverse group of stakeholders, 3) appreciates a plurality of research approaches, and 4) generates actionable solutions. Executing inter-disciplinary research is no easy feat to accomplish. Researchers face daunting challenges from the onset; beginning with the inception of ideas, continuing to the crafting of problem statements, executing the research process, and then communicating the results via publications in academic and practitioner outlets. However, these challenges should not be viewed as an excuse to abandon inter-disciplinary research in favor of narrowly focused research exercises. Drawing on over a dozen research projects, this presentation will highlight key strategic management challenges confronting public agencies as they try to keep up with the rapid pace of technological innovations. Opportunities for use-inspired research will be discussed. In addition, I will present a working model for executing inter-disciplinary research that has served me well. I will openly share some of the trials and tribulations that I have encountered along the way. 

    【语    言】 英语

    【时    间】 2017年11月3日(周五)中午12:00-13:30

    【地    点】求是320会议室

    【嘉宾介绍】Dr Kevin C. Desouza is an ASU Foundation professor in the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University. He is also a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. He served as the inaugural Associate Dean for Research for the College of Public Service & Community Solutions from 2012-2016 during which time the College doubled its R&D portfolio.  Desouza has held faculty and/or research appointments at the University of Washington, London School of Economics, Virginia Tech, University of Witwatersrand (South Africa), SDA Bocconi (Milan), and the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), among others. Desouza has authored, co-authored, and/or edited nine books, the most recent being Intrapreneurship: Managing Ideas within Your Organization. He has published more than 130 articles in journals across a range of disciplines including software engineering, information science, public administration, political science, technology management, and urban affairs. His work has also been featured by a number of publications such as Sloan Management Review, Harvard Business Review, Stanford Social Innovation Research, Businessweek, Wall Street Journal, Governing, among others. Desouza is a frequent advisor to major international corporations, non-governmental organizations, and public agencies on a range of strategic technology and innovation management issues. 






