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      【主讲嘉宾】 彭亮  美国宾州州立大学斯米尔商学院副教授

      【题      目】 风险与回报的脱钩:房地产作为资产的特殊性

      【内容简介】 房地产是一种重要的资产,但其和传统金融资产相比有很多特殊性。本讲座从房地产资产的特殊属性出发,讲解房地产的风险和回报问题,分析房地产的风险和回报脱钩。

      【主 持 人】  黄燕芬 中国人民大学公共管理学院教授

      【时      间】 2019年10月11日 14:00-15:30

      【地      点】  求是楼449室(四层报告厅)


Liang Peng is an Associate Professor of Risk Management and the King Fellow of Risk Management in the Smeal College of Business of the Pennsylvania State University.  Liang received his PhD in Economics from Yale in 2002.  His research interests include the risk and returns of commercial real estate, real estate price index estimation, and the housing market.  Liang serves in the editorial boards of Real Estate Economics, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, and Journal of Real Estate Research and the advisory board of Real Estate Research Institute.  He is the recipient of American Real Estate Society best paper award and Asian Real Estate Society best paper award.  He is a fellow of the Real Estate Research Institute and a fellow and a postdoctoral honoree of Weimer School of Advanced Studies in Real Estate and Land Economics.