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讲座通知: ‘Featured town’ fever: The anatomy of a concept and its elevation to national policy in China


求是学术讲座第91讲: ‘Featured town’ fever: The anatomy of a concept and its elevation to national policy in China

      【主讲嘉宾】苗田,Julie Tian Miao 墨尔本大学高级讲师

      【题      目】 ‘Featured town’ fever: The anatomy of a concept and its elevation to national policy in China

      【内容简介】Abstract: the suburbanisation process worldwide continues to generate significant urban contradictions. Yet the same process also calls forth planning innovations that seek to redress these development challenges. One such in China is the ‘Featured Town’ policy which has been plucked from its origins in Zhejiang province to national policy prominence. Drawing on a combination of secondary data and original interviews, this paper considers the origins and peculiarities of this planning model, its elevation within national policy and its likely prospects across China. Preliminary findings indicate that the Featured Town policy has fallen foul of many of the complications associated with wider dissemination of locally successful models. The interlock of local government capitalism and intrapreneurial state is the fundamental driver behind this Featured Town ‘fever’.

      【主 持 人】秦波   中国人民大学公共管理学院城市规划与管理系教授,系主任

      【语     言】英语

      【时     间】2018年10月31日12:00—13:30

      【地     点】求是320会议室


        Dr Julie Tian Miao is a Senior Lecturer in Property and Economic Development in the Melbourne School of Design, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, and is also an honorary Fellow in Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. In 2017 Julie held a Visiting Fellowship in Hong Kong University. Previously she worked as Lecturer in Urban Planning and Development in Glasgow University, after she worked as Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow in the Housing Research Centre of St Andrews University, UK. Currently Julie is the Co-Editor for Regions Magazine and associate Editor for Regional Studies, Regional Science. She is a Trustee and sits on the Board of Regional Studies Association. Her research and teaching interests cover the economics, planning and the built environment of the knowledge economy, knowledge workers, housing market dynamics and affordability, as well as innovative, informal and entrepreneurial urbanism. She has published widely on Environment and Planning, Urban Studies, Regional Studies and Housing Studies. She is also the lead editor of Making 21st Century Knowledge Complexes: Technopoles of the world revisited (Routledge), which is a Routledge Best Book Award Nominee (2016).