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系 所 公共财政与公共政策研究所 职 称 副教授
办公房间 求是楼411 现任职务 人大国发院兼职研究员
电子邮件 changgui.dong@ruc.edu.cn 办公电话 010-82502304


2003 - 2007 中国人民大学 行政管理学士
2007 - 2009 清华大学 国际发展硕士(MID)
2009 - 2014 美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 公共政策博士


2020年8月 - 至今 中国人民大学公共管理学院 副教授(非博导)
2016年3月 - 2020年7月 中国人民大学公共管理学院 讲师
2015年2月 - 2016年2月 美国可再生能源国家实验室(NREL) 博士后


Energy Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, The Energy Journal, Energy Policy等匿名审稿人






Journal Articles:
9. Qi Y., C. Dong (2018). “Incorrect policy interpretation affects conclusion on SO2 emissions by coal-fired power plants in China.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(49): E11429.
8. Dong, C., Y. Qi, W. Dong, X. Lu, T. Liu, S. Qian (2018). "Decomposing driving factors for wind curtailment under economic new normal in China." Applied Energy, 217: 178-188.
7. Dong, C., R. Wiser, V. Rai (2018). "Incentive pass-through for residential solar systems in California." Energy Economics, 72: 154-165.
6. Dong, C., B. Sigrin, G. Brinkman (2017). "Forecasting residential solar photovoltaic deployment in California." Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 117: 251–265.
5. Gillingham, K., H. Deng, R. Wiser, N. Darghouth, G. Nemet, G. Barbose, V. Rai, C. Dong (2015). “Deconstructing Solar Photovoltaic Pricing: The Role of Market Structure, Technology, and Policy.” The Energy Journal, 37(3): 231-250.
4. Burkhardt, J., R. Wiser, N. Darghouth, C. Dong, J. Huneycutt (2015) “Exploring the impact of permitting and local regulatory processes on residential solar prices in the United States.” Energy Policy, 78: 102-112.
3. Dong, C., R. Wiser (2013) “The Impact of City-level Permitting Processes on Residential Photovoltaic Installation Prices and Development Times: An Empirical Analysis of Solar Systems in California Cities.” Energy Policy, 63: 531-542.
2. Dong, C. (2012) “Feed-in Tariff vs. Renewable Portfolio Standard: An Empirical Test of Their Relative Effectiveness in Promoting Wind Capacity Development.” Energy Policy, 42: 476-485.
1. 刘志林、戴亦欣、董长贵、齐晔, "低碳城市理念与国际经验", 《城市发展研究》, 2009, 16(6): 1-7.

1. Mills, A., G. Barbose, J. Seel, C. Dong, T. Mai, B. Sigrin (2016) “Planning for a Distributed Disruption: Innovative Practices for Incorporating Distributed Solar into Utility Planning.” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA.
2. Dong, C., R. Wiser, V. Rai (2014) “Incentive Pass-through for Residential Solar Systems in California.” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA.