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教育经历 |
2003-2008 北京大学城市与环境学院 城市规划工学学士 2005-2008 北京大学中国经济研究中心 经济学学士(双学位) 2008-2011 北京大学城市与环境学院 理学硕士 2012-2016 香港大学建筑学院城市规划与设计系 博士 |
工作经历 |
2016年1月-12月 香港大学建筑学院城市规划与设计系 博士后 2017年3月至今 中国人民大学公共管理学院 |
兼任职务 |
开设课程 |
本科:城市研究、社会科学研究方法;城市治理全英文硕士:Research design;博士:城乡发展与规划专业主文献研读、高级定量研究方法; | ||||||||||||||||||
研究专长 |
城镇化与城镇体系、市民化与流动人口、城市与区域治理、健康城市 |
代表性成果 |
期刊论文: 1. 王洁晶、张沐华、王霓霓.中国流动人口分布的空间格局和影响因素——基于人口普查分县数据的研究,人口学刊,2023,45(4):82-96. 2. 王洁晶、张沐华. 中国流动人口市民化:理论、概念、影响因素与制度创新,西北师大学报(社会科学版),2023,60(5):135-144 3. 张理政、王洁晶*. 教育程度使流动人口社会融入路径呈现差异?——基于多群组结构方程模型的实证分析,公共管理与政策评论,2023,12(4):97-112 4. 张理政,王洁晶*. 香港城市更新策略的治理结构研究——基于委托—代理关系视角. 国际城市规划, 2023(在线首发) 5. Wang Jiejing, Mai Xin, Zhang Lizheng. Patterns of onward migration within the urban hierarchy of China: Who moves up and who moves down? Urban Studies, 2022, DOI: 10.1177/00420980221144236. 6. Chen Yanguang, Wang Jiejing*, Long Yuqing, Zhang Xiaohu, Li Xiaosong. Defining urban boundaries by characteristic scales. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2022,94, 101799. 7. 王洁晶,朱巍,刘涛. 公共服务设施可达性、个人社会资本与居民心理健康——基于北京的实证研究. 人文地理,2022, 37(1): 18-27. 8. Wang Jiejing, Zhang Yanji. Destination-to-origin differences and settlement intentions of Chinese internal migrants: A birth cohort analysis, Population, Space and Place, 2022, e2544. 9. Mai Xin, Wang Jiejing*. Situational differences, migratory duration, and social integration of internal migrants in urban China, Cities, 2022, 125: 103596 10. Zhang, Lizheng, Yumin Ye, and Wang Jiejing*. Influential Factors and Geographical Differences in the Redevelopment Willingness of Urban Villagers: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China, Land, 2022, 11, 2, 233. 11. Zhang Yanji, Wang Jiejing, Kan Changcheng. Temporal variation in activity-space-based segregation: A case study of Beijing using location-based service data, Journal of Transport Geography, 2022, 98: 103239. 12. Wang Jiejing. Urban government capacity and economic performance: An analysis of Chinese cities. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 2020, 52(5) 981–1004. 13. Wang, Jiejing, and Yeh, G.A.O. Administrative restructuring and urban development in China: Effects of urban administrative level upgrading. Urban Studies, 2020, 57(6): 1201–1223. 14. 刘涛, 卓云霞, 王洁晶*. 邻近性对人口再流动目的地选择的影响[J]. 地理学报, 2020, 75(12):2716-2729. 15. 叶裕民,张理政,孙玥,王洁晶*. 破解城中村更新和新市民住房“孪生难题”的联动机制研究——以广州市为例[J].中国人民大学学报, 2020, 34(02):14-28. 16. Liu Tao, Wang Jiejing*. Bringing city size inunderstanding the permanent settlement intention of rural–urban migrants in China. Population Space Place, 2019, 26(4): e2295. 17. Yang, F.F., Yeh, G.A.O. and Wang, Jiejing*. Regional effects of producer services on manufacturing productivity in China. Applied Geography, 2018, 97: 263-274. 18. Wang, Jiejing, Zhang, Xiaohu and Yeh A.G.O. Spatial proximity and location dynamics of knowledge-intensive business service in the Pearl River Delta, China. Habitat International, 2016, 53: 390-402. 19. Yeh, G.A.O., Yang, F.F. and Wang, Jiejing. Economic Transition and Urban Transformation of China: The Interplay of the State and the Market. Urban Studies, 2015, 52(15): 2822-2848. 20. Yeh, G.A.O., Yang, F.F. and Wang, Jiejing. Producer Service Linkages and City Connectivity in the Mega-City Region of China – A Case Study of the Pearl River Delta. Urban Studies, 2015, 52(13): 2458-2482. 专著: 1. Wang Jiejing. (2021). The Role of the State in China’s Urban System Development: Government Capacity, Institution and Policy. Springer 基金项目: 1. 国家自然基金面上项目“我国流动人口市民化的影响机制、空间格局与差异化治理策略研究”(72274200)(主持人),2023-2026 (进行中). 2. 国家自然基金青年科学基金项目“‘新市民’的市民化:进程评估、影响因素和应对政策”(41701182),(主持人),2018-2020 (已结题). |