英文标题:Does Public Sector Performance Information Impact Stakeholders? Evidence from a Meta-Analysis
来源:Public Administration Review(2025年1月)
孟雪 | 中国人民大学公共管理学院组织与人力资源研究所2021级博士生。
李超平 | 中国人民大学公共管理学院教授
Performance information (PI) has received significant attention in public administration research. However, evaluating the impact of public sector PI on stakeholders is challenging due to varying empirical results. Drawing on information propagation theory, as well as social and cognitive psychology, we conduct a meta-analysis to examine the effect of public sector PI. Using 461 effect sizes from 75 studies, the meta-analysis reveals PI's positive effects on stakeholder attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions of performance. Moreover, the effects tend to be stronger when PI is sent by third parties, received by citizens, delivered with positive valence, presented in absolute forms, and disseminated in law enforcement administrative subfields and in societies characterized by low power distance. The findings reinforce the significance of public sector PI and illuminate the complex interplay between it and stakeholder responses.