周钦、Karen Eggleston、刘国恩 | Health insurance and subjective well-being: evidence from integrating medical insurance across urban and rural areas in China
作者:周钦、Karen Eggleston、刘国恩

Health insurance coverage and the risk protection it provides may improve enrollees’ subjective well-being, as demonstrated for example by Oregon Medicaid’s randomized expansion significantly improving enrollees’ mental health and happiness. Yet little evidence from low- and middle-incomen countries documents the link between insurance coverage and subjective well-being. We analyze individual-level data on a large natural experiment in China: the integration of the rural and urban resident health insurance programs. This reform, expanded nationally since 2016, is recognized as a vital step toward attaining the goal of providing affordable and equitable basic healthcare in China, because integration raises the level of healthcare coverage for rural residents to that enjoyed by their urban counterparts. This study is the first to investigate the impact of urban-rural health insurance integration on the subjective well-being of the Chinese population. Analyzing 2011-2018 data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study in a difference-in-difference (DID) framework with variation in the treatment timing, we find that the integration policy significantly improved the life satisfaction of rural residents, especially among low-income and elderly individuals. The positive impact of the integration on subjective well-being appears to stem from the improvement of rural residents’ mental health (decrease in depressive symptoms) and associated increases in some health behaviors, as well as a mild increase in outpatient care utilization and financial risk protection. There was no discernible impact of the integration on subjective well-being among urban residents, suggesting that the reform reduced inequality in healthcare access and health outcomes for poorer rural residents without negative spillovers on their urban counterparts.查看详情>>

胡宏伟、郭宏旺、刘雨佳 | 中国女性老年人的失能轨迹及其影响因素——兼论城乡与队列差异


刘鹏、李海林 | 中国党政组织关系的具体形态和生成逻辑


张友浪、李文钊 | How Does Homeownership Shape Public Service Coproduction? Evidence from a Public Complaint System in Beijing, China.

Homeownership has been widely regarded as a critical determinant of public participation in social science research. However, the role of homeownership in public service coproduction has been under-researched. This study advances a theory of public service coproduction that accounts for the effect of homeownership and its underlying mechanisms by theorizing that homeownership increases coproduction participation by directly motivating individuals to protect their financial investments and indirectly improving their knowledge about government. Original data from a random telephone survey of 2,167 residents conducted in August 2022 in Beijing, China were used to test the hypotheses, and a series of analytical tools (e.g., weighted models, matching, and sensitivity analysis) were used to validate the theorized effects and mechanisms. Results consistently show that homeowners are more likely to report public service complaints to the government than nonowners. These findings have important implications for future theoretical research and practical efforts to promote public service coproduction.查看详情>>

新书推荐 | 李文钊:《政策过程理论》
来源:中国社会科学出版社 2024年6月13日


来源:人民日报 2024年5月6日

党的二十大报告提出:“提高基层防病治病和健康管理能力。”基层医疗卫生机构是我国医疗卫生服务体系的重要组成部分,在就近满足群众看病就医需求和维护群众身体健康方面发挥着不可替代的作用。推动优质医疗卫生服务向社区、家庭延伸,促进基层防病治病和健康管理能力提升,是推进健康中国建设的必然要求。 从优化医疗卫生资源的角度来看,加强县域医共体建设,从单个机构的发展转向更加注重医共体内成员单位的协同联动发展,有助于加快提升基层医疗卫生服务能力。县域医共体可实现对县级医疗机构和基层乡镇卫生院、村卫生室的纵向整合,形成责任、管理、服务、利益共同体,带动县域医疗能力整体提升。2021年,四川省泸县被确定为全国基层卫生健康综合试验区,当地结合区位特点和群众就医习惯,组建3个医共体,目前已经形成10分钟村级、20分钟镇级、30分钟县级医疗服务圈。实践表明,打造县域医共体,能够推动形成特色鲜明、专业互补、错位发展、有序竞争的发展格局。查看详情>>